[Include] Gamer's Private Vehicle System

Gamer's Private Vehicle Include:


Well i decided it was time for me to learn how to make an include, because that is very easy to use and looks cleaner in your gamemode. So i decided to start simple with an private vehicle system. So this is my first include..

native CreatePrivateVehicle(Playername,VehicleModelID,x,y,z,rot,color1,color2)
native MakeVehiclePrivateForPlayer(vehicleid,playername)
native MakeVehiclePublicForAll(vehicleid)
native LendVehicleToPlayer(vehicleid,playerid)
native ReturnVehicleToOwner(vehicleid)
native IsPlayerOwner(playerid,vehicleid)
Copy everything in pawno, and then save a "Private_Vehicles.INC" in your pawno\include folder.
pawn Код:
#include <Private_Vehicles>

I had some help with some small optimalisations by ******, and [XST]O_x 7 & Crush3r for finding two small mistakes which caused a lot of errors in the first time.

Anyways LendVehicleToPlayer, ReturnVehicleToOwner and IsPlayerOwner are very fast tested (with only one person) so couldnt been fully tested. Please if you want to use it let me know if its fully working.


This is my first include, so i am open for optimalisations/tips/ideas if you have any.

Messages In This Thread
Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by gamer931215 - 02.09.2010, 10:54
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by WillyP - 02.09.2010, 11:05
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by LarzI - 02.09.2010, 11:15
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by [XST]O_x - 02.09.2010, 13:17
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by gamer931215 - 02.09.2010, 13:43
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by Mike Garber - 02.09.2010, 13:46
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by nuriel8833 - 02.09.2010, 13:59
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by Ricop522 - 02.09.2010, 14:02
Re: Gamer's Private Vehicle System - by gamer931215 - 02.09.2010, 14:03

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