Not loading correctly?

Well everything appart from the loading of the floats looks fine to me.

pawn Код:
SetPlayerPos            (playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnX"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnY"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnZ"));
SetPlayerFacingAngle    (playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnAngle"));
Should technically be

pawn Код:
SetPlayerPos            (playerid, dUserFloat(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnX"), dUserFloat(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnY"), dUserFloat(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnZ"));
SetPlayerFacingAngle    (playerid, dUserFloat(PlayerName2(playerid)).("SpawnAngle"));
Since that data is a float and not an integer.

I actually see that for some reason you use floatround on the floats? Why do you do that? Especially when you're storing them as a float anyway.

pawn Код:
dUserSetFLOAT   ( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "SpawnX",         X  );
        dUserSetFLOAT   ( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "SpawnY",          Y  );
        dUserSetFLOAT   ( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "SpawnZ",          Z  );
        dUserSetFLOAT   ( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "SpawnAngle",      A  );
Is what it should be when storing a float.

Messages In This Thread
Not loading correctly? - by [L3th4l] - 02.09.2010, 00:28
Re: Not loading correctly? - by JaTochNietDan - 02.09.2010, 00:32
Re: Not loading correctly? - by [L3th4l] - 02.09.2010, 00:38
Re: Not loading correctly? - by JaTochNietDan - 02.09.2010, 00:39
Re: Not loading correctly? - by [L3th4l] - 02.09.2010, 00:45
Re: Not loading correctly? - by [L3th4l] - 02.09.2010, 21:31
Re: Not loading correctly? - by [L3th4l] - 04.09.2010, 01:56

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