[Tutorial] RCON remote console starter (0.3b!)

This is nice! wanted to add something, for server owners with just 1 server (or 2 calm down ...)

@echo off
color 3f
CD "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\"
set /p C="Server RCON password: "
start rcon.exe IPOFSERVERHERE PORT %c%
@echo off
color 4f
CD "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\"
set /p C="Server RCON password: "
start rcon.exe 1111 %c%
What this does just goes directly and loads the server IP and port, but you enter the rcon instead of just manual typing IP and port and Rcon everytime, on %c% you can put your rcon password, for FAST load and connection, but its best to leave it for " manual input "

This is nice script, though maybe i can add to it ( the speed of connection ways )

Messages In This Thread
RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Kwarde - 30.08.2010, 07:37
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by [RO]Nicusor - 30.08.2010, 09:18
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Tenshi - 31.08.2010, 11:19
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Rapgangsta - 12.09.2010, 18:04
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Kwarde - 12.09.2010, 18:29
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Rapgangsta - 12.09.2010, 18:43
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by royal_king - 12.09.2010, 18:54
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Kwarde - 12.09.2010, 18:57
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Jantjuh - 07.12.2010, 17:48
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Haji - 07.12.2010, 18:27
AW: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Johann95 - 22.05.2011, 13:02
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Biesmen - 22.05.2011, 13:04
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Kwarde - 27.05.2011, 22:17
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by SpLaSh - 31.07.2011, 08:52
Re: RCON remote console starter (0.3b!) - by Pinguinn - 23.10.2011, 13:37

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