31.08.2010, 11:19
This is nice! wanted to add something, for server owners with just 1 server (or 2 calm down ...)
What this does just goes directly and loads the server IP and port, but you enter the rcon instead of just manual typing IP and port and Rcon everytime, on %c% you can put your rcon password, for FAST load and connection, but its best to leave it for " manual input "
This is nice script, though maybe i can add to it ( the speed of connection ways )
@echo off color 3f cls CD "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\" set /p C="Server RCON password: " cls start rcon.exe IPOFSERVERHERE PORT %c%
@echo off color 4f cls CD "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\" set /p C="Server RCON password: " cls start rcon.exe 1111 %c%
This is nice script, though maybe i can add to it ( the speed of connection ways )