Few warnings that wont let server run

Hold up, lemme try that

Edit: Thanks Sir, I should take my time from now on lol

Edit2: Lets conserver space, let me ask my second problem:

When i do /respawnallcars it says.

pawn Код:
Server: Unknown Command
It respawns all cars but it says that message, how do i fix that?

Edit3: This is the command if its needed

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/respawnallcars", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/carreset", true) == 0) // by LordMan
            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "** you are not authorized to use that command!");
                return 1;
            new bool:unwanted[CAR_AMOUNT];
            for(new player=0; player<MAX_PLAYERS; player++)
                if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(player)) { unwanted[GetPlayerVehicleID(player)]=true; }
            for(new car = 1; car <= 1850; car++)
                if(!unwanted[car]) SetVehicleToRespawn(car);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "SERVER: All unused cars respawned by %s.", sendername);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "[ADMIN]: %s has Respawned All Cars.", sendername);
            ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5);
            GameTextForAll("~w~Every Unused Car ~n~~g~Respawned!",5000,1);
            new y, m, d;
            new h,mi,s;
            format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s Has Respawned All Unused Cars",d,m,y,h,mi,s,sendername);
        return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Few warnings that wont let server run - by Anthonyx3' - 31.08.2010, 00:20
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Cameltoe - 31.08.2010, 00:27
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Anthonyx3' - 31.08.2010, 00:33
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Cameltoe - 31.08.2010, 00:36
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Anthonyx3' - 31.08.2010, 00:37
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Cameltoe - 31.08.2010, 00:47
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Yamoo - 31.08.2010, 00:48
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Anthonyx3' - 31.08.2010, 00:54
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Cameltoe - 31.08.2010, 01:01
Re: Few warnings that wont let server run - by Anthonyx3' - 31.08.2010, 01:09

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