[FilterScript] [FS] CarFun thingy V2! (Vid added V1)

yay, first FS im releasing / trying to release!

What it is: its fun
How the have the fun? 2 ways:
o- Be in a vehicle and press H, tadaa! new random vehicle
o- use /carfun and it makes a checkpoint, everytime you drive through it: Tadaaa! new random vehicle
What is it usefull for: nothing? funservers? freeroaming?
How to instal? : download the filterscript from sendspace (for lazy people) or from pastebin (for people who know what pastebin is) and put it in your filterscripts folder. (dont forget to add it to filterscripts in server.cfg!
Whats new in V2? : The checkpoint is now even more random! i love random! it can now:
o- Change your vehicle
o- Add nitro and hydraulics to your vehicle (use /remove to remove hydraulics if you want to)
o- Teleport you to an elegy parked infront of the ArchAngels (/other if you want an other car to mod) and gives you 15K budget
where to get V1:
o- Pastebin
o- SendSpace
where to get V2:
o- Pastebin
o- Mediafire

******* video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-05BqkMovr4
any questions, feel free to ask!
any comments, feel free to post

EDIT as you can see in the vid i missed 1 boat, its fixed now!

Messages In This Thread
[FS] CarFun thingy V2! (Vid added V1) - by boemeles - 29.04.2008, 10:08
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy - by Polar - 29.04.2008, 10:13
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy - by Rks25 - 29.04.2008, 10:22
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy - by Zh3r0 - 29.04.2008, 10:42
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy - by Dark_Kostas - 29.04.2008, 11:54
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy - by pspleo - 29.04.2008, 12:01
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy - by boemeles - 29.04.2008, 12:19
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy (Vid added) - by jumper - 29.04.2008, 12:42
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy (Vid added) - by watkijkje - 29.04.2008, 13:05
Re: [FS] CarFun carspawn thingy (Vid added) - by boemeles - 29.04.2008, 13:10

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