Bug while fishing with random.


pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][CaughtFish] += RandomFish[rand][1];
Instead of:
pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][CaughtFish] = PlayerInfo[playerid][CaughtFish] + RandomFish[rand][2]; //Can only select between 0 & 1, 2 is beyond the array's limit.

Messages In This Thread
Bug while fishing with random. - by Jochemd - 27.08.2010, 07:34
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by Jochemd - 27.08.2010, 09:11
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by BuLLeT[LTU] - 27.08.2010, 09:22
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by Jochemd - 27.08.2010, 09:26
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by iggy1 - 27.08.2010, 09:36
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by Jochemd - 27.08.2010, 09:44
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by iggy1 - 27.08.2010, 09:51
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by Jochemd - 27.08.2010, 09:57
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by Jochemd - 27.08.2010, 10:12
Re: Bug while fishing with random. - by Hiddos - 27.08.2010, 10:19

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