[Include] FoxPayDay v4

FoxPayDay is an easy PayDay-Include. v1 and v2 were FilterScripts, since v3 it's an Include and since v4 the PayDay-Times are saved under scriptfiles/FoxPayDay/.
Important: Create a Folder named 'FoxPayDay' in the 'scriptfiles'-Folder, if you don't do that, your Server will crash.
This is an Include, where all Players have their own PayDay-Times.
Unlike GodFather.
There's a definition in the Include, where you can change the PayDayTimes.
Standartly, all Players have PayDay if they Played 60 Minutes.
There are also a definition where you can change the Save Directory of the PayDay-Times.


Starts the PayDayTime for playerid.
You can use it under OnPlayerConnect, so if the Player has played 60 Minutes after Connect, he'll become PayDay.
You MUST make your own PayDay, with the OnPlayerPayDay(playerid) Callback!

Stops the PayDay-Time from a Player.
If you used "StartPayDayTime" under OnPlayerConnect, you can do this under OnPlayerDisconnect!

SetPlayerPayDayTime(playerid, newtime)
Sets the PayDayTime from playerid to 'newtime'.

Returns the PayDay-Time of playerid. Example usage:: if(GetPlayerPayDayTime(playerid) == 24)

You can enter here what should happen if the Player has PayDay.
This is like the "
PayDay()" Callback in GodFather

Show 'FoxPayDay_v4.inc' - pastebin.com

Download FoxPayDay_v4.rar - SendSpace
Download FoxPayDay_v4.rar - RapidShare

Have Fun !
Again: Don't forget to create the Folder 'FoxPayDay' in the 'scriptfiles'-Folder.

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Messages In This Thread
FoxPayDay v4 - by PSPgamer_10 - 19.08.2010, 01:35
Re: FoxPayDay v4 - by willsuckformoney - 19.08.2010, 01:36
Re: FoxPayDay v4 - by playbox12 - 19.08.2010, 14:23
Re: FoxPayDay v4 - by CyNiC - 19.08.2010, 14:39
AW: FoxPayDay v4 - by PSPgamer_10 - 20.08.2010, 03:44

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