OPCode warning

add // infront of that line, compile, upload and restart your server, test and actually SEE if that's the issue causing it.

If it is, id suggest looking into the GetTime() examples on the wiki, and starting there ...

Messages In This Thread
OPCode warning - by [L3th4l] - 18.08.2010, 02:37
Re: OPCode warning - by RealWorldGTA - 18.08.2010, 02:47
Re: OPCode warning - by bigcomfycouch - 18.08.2010, 02:50
Re: OPCode warning - by RealWorldGTA - 18.08.2010, 02:52
Re: OPCode warning - by [L3th4l] - 18.08.2010, 03:08
Re: OPCode warning - by RealWorldGTA - 18.08.2010, 03:14

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