13.08.2010, 11:13
Daaaah .... I dont want it to samp , I need to get old MTA Race maps to MTA Deathmatch but converters converts them wrongly and they dont appear in MTA DM , I cant see them in the "map" list , that FFS converter converts old mta race objects to that code
But when I open map what is already made in MTA DM looks like this
Can you see the difference
<object id="object(10)" model="16693" posX="-780.66711400" posY="485.31970200" posZ="-35.55253600" rotX="0.00000000" rotY="0.00000000" rotZ="-270.00000112" dimension="0" interior="0" />
<object id="object (sfx_alarms03) (1)" model="3803" interior="17" dimension="0" posX="-945.27008056641" posY="1889.7347412109" posZ="4.3168587684631" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="334.19519042969" />