Dont know is that correct site / forum for this

But can anyone tell me what map editor can open that line , MTA DM 1.0.3 cant handle that

<object name="delux object" posX="2930.775635" posY="-667.745483" posZ="6.407295" rotX="0.0000" rotY="0.0000" rotZ="83.1245" model="11496" />
Mta DM 1.0.3 can open that kind of line's for me

<object id="object (CJ_SPORTS_WALL) (2)" doublesided="false" model="2395" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-319.9462890625" posY="1043.263671875" posZ="1841.2216796875" rotX="270.18676757813" rotY="0" rotZ="180.44494628906" />
So can anyone help ?

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