MySQL Query

Haha, Silly mistake that I made :P

Well the result's that came through are the ones that should but for some reason the results seem to disappear at sscanf(result, "ffff", X,Y,Z,A);

[20:41:44] Result contents: 1529.6|-1691.2|13.3|0
[20:41:44] X: 0.000000
[20:41:44] Y: 0.000000
[20:41:44] Z: 0.000000
Weird :S

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Query - by Agent Smith - 11.08.2010, 19:30
Re: MySQL Query - by JaTochNietDan - 11.08.2010, 19:37
Re: MySQL Query - by Agent Smith - 11.08.2010, 19:41
Re: MySQL Query - by JaTochNietDan - 11.08.2010, 19:43
Re: MySQL Query - by Agent Smith - 11.08.2010, 19:45
Re: MySQL Query - by JaTochNietDan - 11.08.2010, 19:47
Re: MySQL Query - by Agent Smith - 11.08.2010, 19:49

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