Deleting the vehicle

at the putplayerinvehicle line use this: PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,nrg = CreateVehicle(522, -933.0863,-320.8549,9.9999, 120, 2, 2,0), 0);
@ top of script: new nrg;
then use DestroyVehicle(nrg); to destroy the bike if he falls off..
Is this btw with more players because then maybe if 1 guy falls off and the bike gets destroyed.. all the other bikes gets destroyed aswell.....

Messages In This Thread
Deleting the vehicle - by XtremePlanet - 10.08.2010, 20:34
Re: Deleting the vehicle - by Mike_Peterson - 10.08.2010, 23:30
Re: Deleting the vehicle - by XtremePlanet - 11.08.2010, 07:22

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