A problem (raven roleplay)

This is what i found in Log.


SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3a R4, ©2005-2009 SA-MP Team

[18:57:32] Server Plugins
[18:57:32] --------------
[18:57:32] Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.3.8 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:57:32] Loaded.
[18:57:32] Loaded 1 plugins.

[18:57:32] Filter Scripts
[18:57:32] ---------------
[18:57:32] Loading filter script 'adminspec.amx'...
[18:57:32] Loading filter script 'vactions.amx'...
[18:57:32] Unable to load filter script 'vactions.amx'.
[18:57:32] Loaded 1 filter scripts.

[18:57:32] Script[gamemodes/larp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:57:32] Number of vehicle models: 0

And this is my server.cfg


echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password ***********
maxplayers 35
port 7777
hostname *******
gamemode0 larp 1
filterscripts adminspec vactions
announce 0
plugins streamer.so
query 1
weburl *******
maxnpc 99
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
anticheat 1
bind ***************

And this is the result.


What is the problem??

I compile the .pwn correctly.No warnings no errors.

Sorry for my bad English

Messages In This Thread
A problem (raven roleplay) - by RoleplayLover - 08.08.2010, 16:06
Re: A problem (raven roleplay) - by dugi - 08.08.2010, 16:26
Re: A problem (raven roleplay) - by heroyou1221 - 12.08.2010, 11:09
Re: A problem (raven roleplay) - by Vince - 12.08.2010, 12:29
Re: A problem (raven roleplay) - by SwatOwner - 10.05.2011, 17:16
Re: A problem (raven roleplay) - by o_O - 10.05.2011, 18:39

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