[Tutorial] C-MySQL - Account System.


Hi there, since i've been contacted several times about C-MySQL. Most users are confused on how to use this. Well, I decided to make a tutorial on how to use this system. Below are the necessary files needed for this tutorial.

C-MySQL - Click Me!
A MySQL plugin, click me!

Well before we start, we need to include the script. If you're using StrickenKids put this:

pawn Код:
#include <C-MySQL-S>
if BlueG's put this:

pawn Код:
#include <C-MySQL>
- Note: I did not put mysql_real_escape_string purposely, because C-MySQL already protects itself from injections.


Lets start with the registration, that's the first part of a registration system. We're going to create a function called AddAccount. I've decided to make it a function since I have no clue where users would want their registration put.

pawn Код:
stock AddAccount(Username[], Password[]) {
     CMySQL_Create(Username, "Accounts", "Name");
     CMySQL_Password(Username, "Accounts", "Name", Password);
There we go, two functions, nothing difficult. Oh, wait, maybe some more. We forgot to check if the account exists. Here's a simple function to check if a account exists in this tutorial wise.

pawn Код:
stock DoesAccountExists(Username[]) {
     new string[88];
     format(string, 88, "SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s'", Username);
     mysql_query(string); mysql_store_result();
     if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) {
          return 1;
     return 0;
Now lets try this again, with adding the function above.

pawn Код:
stock AddAccount(Username[], Password[]) {
     if(DoesAccountExists(Username)) return 1;
     CMySQL_Create(Username, "Accounts", "Name");
     CMySQL_Password(Username, "Accounts", "Name", Password);
     return 1;
There we have three functions now. Simple and easy so far?


Now, we can do this in two ways, using CMySQL_Int, and CMySQL_Get or using CMySQL_LoadAccount. Since the new release, CMySQL_LoadAccount would be faster, this is because it allows threading opportunity, which is really suggested for faster account loading. I'll show you both ways. We're going to create a function called LoginPlayer.

pawn Код:
#define MySQL_LOAD_ACCOUNT (0)

stock LoginPlayer(playerid, password[]) {
     if(!DoesAccountExists(Username)) return 1;
     new name[24];
     GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
     if(!strcmp(CMySQL_GetPassword(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Password"), password)) {
         CMySQL_LoadAccount(name, "Accounts", "Name", MySQL_LOAD_ACCOUNT , playerid);
Simple so far? We just checked if the account existed or not, then we checked if the password was correct and finally then began to process to the thread callback. Now lets continue.

pawn Код:
public OnQueryFinish( query[], resultid, extraid, connectionHandle ) {
     if(resultid == MySQL_LOAD_ACCOUNT ) {
          new MySQLData[128], MyStats[3];
          mysql_fetch_row_format(MySQLData, "|");
          sscanf(MySQLData, "p<|>iii", MyStats[0], MyStats[1], MyStats[2]);
          format(MySQLData, 128, "This account stores %i kills & %i deaths G_G", MyStats[0], MyStats[1]);
          GivePlayerMoney(playerid, MyStats[2]);
     return 1;
That could of been a bit confusing to you, but that's Ok, you always have the other way of loading accounts. But, i'll explain what I did anyway. I stored the selecting query result, fetched the account, and printed out the stats. Lets try the more simpler way but a bit slower. Here is where we will use the known functions.

pawn Код:
stock LoginPlayer(playerid) {
     new name[24], MyStats[3];
     GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
     if(!DoesAccountExists(name)) return 1;
     if(!strcmp(CMySQL_GetPassword(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Password"), password)) {
            MyStats[0] = CMySQL_Int(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Kills");
            MyStats[1] = CMySQL_Int(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Deaths");
            MyStats[2] = CMySQL_Int(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Money");

            new MySQLData[80];
            format(MySQLData, MySQLData, "This account stores %i kills & %i deaths G_G", MyStats[0], MyStats[1]);
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid, MyStats[2]);
That was more simple now was it? Now, lets wrap this up with Saving, and a overall.


This should be the most easy part. We're going to create a function that's named SaveAccount. Sounds fair?

pawn Код:
stock SaveAccount(playerid) {
    new name[24], MyStats[3];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
    if(!DoesAccountExists(name)) return 1;
    MySQL_SetInt(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Kills", MyStats[0]);
    MySQL_SetInt(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Deaths", MyStats[1]);
    MySQL_SetInt(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Money", MyStats[2]);
Ok, simple functions in a matter of seconds. We pretty much just saved and loaded kills, deaths, and money in SaveAccount and LoginPlayer. Now, lets roll over to the overview.


Your script should look like this, well at least.

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <C-MySQL>


stock DoesAccountExists(Username[]) {
     new string[88];
     format(string, 55, "SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s'", Username);
     mysql_query(string); mysql_store_result();
     if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) {
          return 1;
     return 0;

stock AddAccount(Username[], Password[]) {
     if(DoesAccountExists(Username)) return 1;
     CMySQL_Create(Username, "Accounts", "Name");
     CMySQL_Password(Username, "Accounts", "Name", Password);
     return 1;

stock LoginPlayer(playerid) {
     new name[24];
     GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
     if(!DoesAccountExists(name)) return 1;
     if(!strcmp(CMySQL_GetPassword(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Password"), password)) {
            MyStats[0] = CMySQL_Int(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Kills");
            MyStats[1] = CMySQL_Int(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Deaths");
            MyStats[2] = CMySQL_Int(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Money");

            new MySQLData[80];
            format(MySQLData, MySQLData, "This account stores %i kills & %i deaths G_G", MyStats[0], MyStats[1]);
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid, MyStats[2]);

stock SaveAccount(playerid) {
    new name[24], MyStats[3];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
    if(!DoesAccountExists(name)) return 1;
    MySQL_SetInt(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Kills", MyStats[0]);
    MySQL_SetInt(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Deaths", MyStats[1]);
    MySQL_SetInt(name, "Accounts", "Name", "Money", MyStats[2]);
Insert any of those functions wherever you want someone to perform the actions we covered, thanks for reading, if you have any questions please post the question.

Messages In This Thread
C-MySQL - Account System. - by Carlton - 08.08.2010, 10:19
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Hiddos - 08.08.2010, 10:24
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Flake. - 08.08.2010, 10:34
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by [03]Garsino - 08.08.2010, 10:45
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Carlton - 08.08.2010, 10:45
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by [03]Garsino - 08.08.2010, 10:47
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Jay_ - 08.08.2010, 11:13
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Carlton - 08.08.2010, 18:35
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Kar - 08.08.2010, 19:22
Re: C-MySQL - Account System. - by Darnell - 07.09.2011, 18:23

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