MTA 1.1.1 > Pawn, rotations are weird ?

Hello, i am working on a .map to pawn converter, but i got a problem.

When i read the rotations out of the .map file it is like this:

 <rotation>-1.660796 0.000000 0.000000</rotation>
If i turn that to to pawn code as rotation
My converted line:
pawn Код:
CreateObject,ID,x,y,z,-1.660796 0.000000 0.000000);
then the rotations are weird/not working. However the readed x,y,z are fine, only the rotations arent.

But if i convert it with convertFFS the rotations are completely different !
pawn Код:
Any idea how to get the right rotation for pawn ? i am working on a converter that ALSO converts checkpoints! The first converter that ever does that for so far i know. So i need to get this working

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