pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid,pickupid) //If you have one of these add the stuff in this to your one =]
for(new C; C<BusinessCount+1; C++)//Loops through all businesses
if(pickupid == BusinessPickup[C]) //Checks if the pickup is for a business
new str[150];//Creates a string.
if(BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner] == -1) format(str, sizeof(str), "%s ~n~~r~Cost price: $%d ~b~Sale price: $%d ~n~ ~g~Earn ammount: $%d", BusinessInfo[C][BusName], BusinessInfo[C][BusCost], BusinessInfo[C][BusSell], BusinessInfo[C][BusEarn]); //Makes the string for a business with no owner.
if(BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner] != -1)
new Pname[24]; //Creates player name variable
GetPlayerName(BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner], Pname, 24); //Gets player name
format(str, sizeof(str), "%s ~n~~r~Cost price: $%d ~b~Sale price: $%d ~n~ ~g~Earn ammount: $%d~n~~w~Owner: %s(%d)", BusinessInfo[C][BusName], BusinessInfo[C][BusCost], BusinessInfo[C][BusSell], BusinessInfo[C][BusEarn], Pname, BusinessInfo[C][BusOwner]);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 3000, 3);
return 1;
for(new J; J<MAX_HOUSES; J++) //Loops through all houses
if(pickupid == PickupID[J]) //If the pickupid is one of our house ones
new str[75];
if(HouseInfo[J][Owned] == 1)
format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~House Info~n~~g~Owner: ~w~%s", HouseInfo[J][HouseOwner]);
if(HouseInfo[J][Owned] == 0)
format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~House Info~n~~g~Owner: ~w~Nobody");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x67F6F6AA, "This house is up for sale! Type /buy to buy it");
new str2[100];
format(str2, sizeof(str2), "~g~Cost price:~w~ %d ~n~~g~Sell Price:~w~ %d", HouseInfo[J][HouseCost], HouseInfo[J][HouseSell]);
new str3[150];
format(str3, sizeof(str3), "%s~n~%s", str, str2);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str3, 3500, 3);
return 1;
return 1;
They are both under OnPlayerPickup, Are you able to just make that in to one thing please?