Burger Shot Marker

Hey Guys,

I just added this to my server to disable the markers:

pawn Код:
But now i made a bizz with the Burger Shot interior and i noticed that the place where you can order food doesnt have a marker anymore as wel, also that person there is gone.

Now ive seen alot of servers with DisableInteriorEnterExits on but still have that like this:

Please help me how i can get it back...

Messages In This Thread
Burger Shot Marker - by juuleman - 03.08.2010, 07:45
Re: Burger Shot Marker - by kc - 03.08.2010, 09:19
Re: Burger Shot Marker - by Vince - 03.08.2010, 09:41
Re: Burger Shot Marker - by juuleman - 03.08.2010, 14:50

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