Stock or Public?

Okay, I have wondered what the difference is in a stock function and a public function. I use both but I thought that stock used less resource due to not using forward. So, which uses less resource?


Messages In This Thread
Stock or Public? - by ScottCFR - 02.08.2010, 02:24
Re: Stock or Public? - by Daren_Jacobson - 02.08.2010, 02:27
Re: Stock or Public? - by ScottCFR - 02.08.2010, 02:29
Re: Stock or Public? - by Assyria - 02.08.2010, 03:30
Re: Stock or Public? - by Kar - 02.08.2010, 03:33
Re: Stock or Public? - by ScottCFR - 02.08.2010, 04:02
Re: Stock or Public? - by Kitten - 02.08.2010, 04:19

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