Tiny bit of help here..

Originally Posted by The Toni
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Use createvehicle, AddstaticVeh is basicly to be made only in GameModeInIt.
Ding, Ding, Ding...

But Vehicle params you must set when player is online, else it wont take effect.

Anyway @ author try to use the way from my first post, just now under

OnPlayerUpdate put that for(....

so the each one second, server will check which car is locked, which player is online, and what need to do.
You cannot SetVeh params on gamemodeinit.

from LoadHouseVehicles() remove these params sets

Messages In This Thread
Tiny bit of help here.. - by Lorenc_ - 28.07.2010, 21:09
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by ikey07 - 28.07.2010, 21:13
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by ikey07 - 28.07.2010, 21:19
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by Lorenc_ - 28.07.2010, 21:25
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by Toni - 28.07.2010, 22:03
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by Jefff - 28.07.2010, 22:47
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by Lorenc_ - 29.07.2010, 05:56
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by ikey07 - 29.07.2010, 06:39
Re: Tiny bit of help here.. - by Lorenc_ - 29.07.2010, 11:31

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