[Include] [INC] tAxI's Map Icon Manager (streams up to 3000 minimap icons)

[INC] tAxI's Map Icon Manager/Streamer
OK This is a very simple INC that allows you to create Map Icons for every player simultaneously and you can have up to 3000 on ur map. essentially its a streamer but its a very easy to use streamer that has the benefit of my somewhat lengthy if not successfull experince/attempts at creating customised streamers to allow users to break the limits so hopefully this is the most advanced streamer out there for minimap icons...if not then I'll update lol :P so enjoy it and Have Fun!!!! The readme file is included along with the licence (GNU GPL). Please dont take credit and as i always say - post up ur experiences and problems and ill get back to you as soon as possible :P

Download Here

Heres a list of Map Icon models courtesy of SAMP WIKI for anyone who's interested - found this pretty useful lol: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SetPlayerMapIcon


In order to run the minimap icon streamer properly you must insert:

#include <MI_streamer>

at the top of your script with the other include lines and also:


under OnGameModeInit() in your own GM script.

You also have to place the include file supplied in this download in your "pawno/include/"
folder before attempting to compile your GM with any of the commands contained within it.

--==<::Current commands as of 26/04/08::>==--

native tAxI_OnGameModeInit()

native CreateMapIcon(Float,Float:y,Float:z,modelid,Floa tpawn_dist)

native DestroyMapIcon(iconid)

native GetPlayerClosestIcon(playerid)

native IsPlayerInRangeOfIcon(playerid,iconid)

native ChangeMapIconInfo(iconid,Float,Float:y,Float:z,m odelid,Floatpawn_dist)

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