how to remove the /q command?

orly? I don't believe you since it's done to the client and doesn't go through the server.

Messages In This Thread
how to remove the /q command? - by toughgangsterman97 - 25.07.2010, 02:52
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by cessil - 25.07.2010, 02:54
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by Kyosaur - 25.07.2010, 02:54
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by Kar - 25.07.2010, 03:18
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by Victor - 25.07.2010, 03:24
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by Kar - 25.07.2010, 03:29
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by cessil - 25.07.2010, 04:02
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by Extremo - 25.07.2010, 04:20
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by Gamer_Z - 25.07.2010, 14:53
Re: how to remove the /q command? - by TheKingOfSamp - 25.07.2010, 14:58

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