Server Status (Players Online[xx])

Please write a script that will show players online.
This would look like this: - In menu "Graczy Online (47)"

That script is simple, but very important for me.

Messages In This Thread
Server Status (Players Online[xx]) - by gieende - 24.07.2010, 14:07
Re: Server Status (Players Online[xx]) - by Wulffe - 24.07.2010, 14:22
Re: Server Status (Players Online[xx]) - by gieende - 24.07.2010, 16:40
Re: Server Status (Players Online[xx]) - by Carlton - 24.07.2010, 16:58
Re: Server Status (Players Online[xx]) - by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 24.07.2010, 17:24

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