24.07.2010, 03:59
lol then its all in the AddPlayerClass
this is just copy from samp.wiki
for weapon lists go here
soo for example
soo the bold parts are ammo and weapon ids
if you want just one weapon then do
The bold is the other weapon slots that you can add weapons to, right now the skin has one weapon
its a Silenced 9mm
you can change the weapons by gettin the IDs from
weapons and ammo MUST go as they are shown hope this helped if it didnt just check
this is just copy from samp.wiki
AddPlayerClass(skin, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo)
skin The skin which the player will spawn with. Float:X The X coordinate of the spawnpoint of this class. Float:Y The Y coordinate of the spawnpoint of this class. Float:Z The Z coordinate of the spawnpoint of this class. Float:Angle The direction in which the player should face after spawning. weapon1 The first spawn-weapon for the player. weapon1_ammo The amount of ammunition for the primary spawnweapon. weapon2 The second spawn-weapon for the player. weapon2_ammo The amount of ammunition for the second spawnweapon. weapon3 The third spawn-weapon for the player. weapon3_ammo The amount of ammunition for the third spawnweapon.
soo for example
//This goes under OnGameModeInIt //This is Teh Pimps skin (not jizzy) AddPlayerClass(249,-2653.6443,1388.2767,7.1301,212.8453, 23,272,29,270,5,1 );
if you want just one weapon then do
//This is from the PlayerClass from above AddPlayerClass(249,-2653.6443,1388.2767,7.1301,212.8453,23,272, 0,0,0,0 );
its a Silenced 9mm
you can change the weapons by gettin the IDs from
AddPlayerClass(skin, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo)