MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues)


I'm Jake here with a Linux Debain VPS.

I have setup my database, its tables and dependencies. I have correctly in putted it inside the script I wish to use as well as set up webmin 1.5.

Everything goes fine until I put in this script in particular. The server loads fine from my custom code VIA Webmin yet when I open my sa-mp client it gives me an error shown below;

When I view the logs; I get this -

[15:50:45] --- Server Shutting Down.

> MySQL plugin unloaded.


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".


SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3a R4, ©2005-2009 SA-MP Team

filterscripts = "" (string)
[15:50:51] Server Plugins
[15:50:51] --------------
Loading plugin:

> MySQL plugin R4-2 successfully loaded.

[15:50:51] Loaded.
Loading plugin:
[15:50:51] Plugin does not conform to architecture.
[15:50:51] Failed.
Loaded 1 plugins.

[15:50:51] Ban list
[15:50:51] --------
[15:50:51] Loaded: samp.ban

[15:50:51] Filter Scripts
[15:50:51] ---------------
[15:50:51] Loaded 0 filter scripts.

Script[gamemodes/lol.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:50:51] Number of vehicle models: 0

Obviously, the problem has to do with the game mode or MySQL... Seeing as the game mode works 100% fine, I don't see why...

Now, I have these files as shown below;

And my configuration file;

I'm really stumped, guys.

Thanks in advance,

Messages In This Thread
MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues) - by Jake__ - 23.07.2010, 12:24
Re: MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues) - by Agent Smith - 23.07.2010, 12:56
Re: MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues) - by iLinx - 23.07.2010, 15:48
Re: MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues) - by Jake__ - 24.07.2010, 03:11
Re: MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues) - by HuRRiCaNe - 24.07.2010, 03:20
Re: MySQL error (Plugin or DB issues) - by iLinx - 25.07.2010, 01:58

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