19.07.2010, 21:41
Objetc: -12.936
Down Z: -12.915,3
Up Z: -12.936
If, Down is in Z: 12.9, and UP is in Z: 12.9 ?? It moves, yes moves of 12.936 to 12.915 ... nothing ...
It will move if UP is in Z Coordinate: 15.9 for example.
Difference between Z up and Z down is 0.015 Wrong Z Coordinate I supose.
CreateObject(16328,588.308,-2195.337,-12.936,0.0,0.0,0.0); // drill.
MoveObject(drill, 588.308,-2195.337,-12.915,3);
MoveObject(drill, 588.308,-2195.337, -12.936, 3);
It will move if UP is in Z Coordinate: 15.9 for example.
Difference between Z up and Z down is 0.015 Wrong Z Coordinate I supose.