
pawn Код:
//at top

new Text:commands;

commands = TextDrawCreate(60.0,180.0,"~r~<..::**||Commands||**::..> ~g~~n~/help /credits /rules /tele /teles /color /ad /fixcar /penis /cigarette /armourme /**secret** /cookie /blow /foff ~b~~n~/chute /makemeadmin /fart /weapons /what? /cry /puke /wank /slaps /mostwanted ~purple~~n~/piss /taichi kiss /dodge /basketball /crack /lapdance /ghetto /givecash /cellphone /cell ~r~~n~/spank /chat /score /fightstyle /WWeaps ~g~~n~This is CURRENT STATE COMMANDS ONLY!");

if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmds", true) == 0) {
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, commands);
return 1;}
someone help, stressed and i cant get dam thing to work

Messages In This Thread
TextDraws - by willsuckformoney - 15.07.2010, 18:42
Re: TextDraws - by [HiC]TheKiller - 15.07.2010, 20:09
Re: TextDraws - by willsuckformoney - 15.07.2010, 20:48

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