15.07.2010, 02:01
use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint instead of PlayerToPoint
you need to format a string before sending it if it has dynamics in it like playerid
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, "%s has entered the safezone!",playerid);
should be
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has entered the safezone!",playerid);
and when you use this...
else if(classid == 0)
classid isn't defined, either define it or use something else, I think you want GetPlayerSkin
on the class selection part add a variable so zombies = 0, shine will be 1 ect. like this
this use GetPVarInt(playerid,"classid") to check it
you need to format a string before sending it if it has dynamics in it like playerid
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, "%s has entered the safezone!",playerid);
should be
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has entered the safezone!",playerid);
and when you use this...
else if(classid == 0)
classid isn't defined, either define it or use something else, I think you want GetPlayerSkin
on the class selection part add a variable so zombies = 0, shine will be 1 ect. like this
pawn Код:
else if(classid == 4)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "[ Chesty ]",500,3);