[MySQL] ServerCrash

Dear Scripter!
I have a problem with my OnPlayerLogin, which uses MySQL. It is a snippet of Moderntopia which I have edited in my script so, that MySQLFetchAcctRecord is used with playername instead of id. In OnplayerLogin it is the row with the comment //problem!!! which crashes my server. I have tested it with print("Check1,2..."). It crashes directly if the function is called I dont know why, also the Moderntopia-Script is crashing my server, no wonder the snippet is from it? Who can help me?

Sry for my bad English.

public MySQLFetchAcctRecord(sqlplayerid, sqlresult[]) // by Luk0r
	new query[64];
	format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM players WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", sqlplayerid);
		return 1;
	return 0;

public OnPlayerLogin(playerid,password[]) // by Luk0r v1.0

		new Data[1024];
		new Field[64];
		new rcnt = 1; 
		MySQLFetchAcctRecord(PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID], Data);// problem!!!!
		samp_mysql_strtok(Field, "|", Data);
		while (samp_mysql_strtok(Field, "|", "")==1)
                         if (rcnt == 3) PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = strval(Field);
			 if (rcnt == 4) PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] = strval(Field);
		   	 if (rcnt == 5) PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] = strval(Field);
			 if (rcnt == 6) PlayerInfo[playerid][gPupgrade] = strval(Field);

Messages In This Thread
[MySQL] ServerCrash - by Manuel1948 - 14.07.2010, 23:40
Re: [MySQL] ServerCrash - by [HiC]TheKiller - 15.07.2010, 01:20
AW: [MySQL] ServerCrash - by Manuel1948 - 15.07.2010, 15:16
Re: AW: [MySQL] ServerCrash - by ihatetn931 - 15.07.2010, 20:40

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