13.07.2010, 14:21
add this above OnGameModeInit
in OnGameModeInit you do:
in OnPlayerEnterVehicle you add:
in OnPlayerStateChange you add:
NOTE: didnt test this if it fails Send me a PM i will send you a tested piece of code havent got time now
new vehid; new GroveCars[25];//change this to the number of grove cars
GroveCars[0]==AddStaticVehicleEx(,,,,,,)//do this for all grovecars(with params ofcourse)and change number constantly one up
vehid = vehicleid;
if(newstate==PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { for(new groveveh;groveveh<MAX_VEHICLES;groveveh++) { if("check if the player is grove"&&vehid==groveveh) { SendClientMessage(playerid,color,"you can drive this car!"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,color,"you are not a grove member"); } } }