[FilterScript] TouR's EEsystem v2.0!

TouR's [Enter/Exit] System v2.0


I made this system cause i saw many people had problems with their enter/exit command! With this system you can create a new enterable place very fast. In the entrance will be created an Info icon with a 3dlabel.
4. Change the new CommandInfo[1][qInfo]; (line 21) to the number of entrance you wanna make

How to install

1. Download the rar file
2. Paste the EEsystem.pwn and EEsystem.amx to your filterscripts
3. Paste locations.cfg to your scriptfiles
4. Add it to your server.cfg
5. Enjoy

How to use it

1. Open the locations.cfg which you previously placed in scriptfiles
2. Write the following format to create a entrerable place: entranceX|entranceY|entranceZ|exitX|exitY|exitZ|in teriorid|Name|lock (0=unlocked 1=locked)
(This is an example: 1554.0072|-1675.9637|16.1953|246.783996|63.900199|1003.640625 |6|Los Santos Police Department|0)
3. Save the folder


/lock (only for rcon admins)


-You can now use entrances using the ENTER button
-Lock system for admins (/lock while you are rcon admin)
-Game Text with the entrance name while players anters it

Download links

http://www.sendspace.com/file/o5kqsf (NEW)

Have fun

Messages In This Thread
TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by TouR - 13.07.2010, 12:15
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by Cypress - 13.07.2010, 17:27
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by Smokey619 - 13.07.2010, 19:29
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by TouR - 13.07.2010, 19:34
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by Smokey619 - 13.07.2010, 19:57
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by TouR - 13.07.2010, 21:34
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by jorambo - 14.07.2010, 00:17
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by TouR - 14.07.2010, 07:31
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by jorambo - 14.07.2010, 08:33
Re: TouR's EEsystem v2.0! - by TouR - 14.07.2010, 08:37

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