*** how to make that text??? ***

pawn Код:
GetPlayerPos(playerid, px, py, pz);
Create3DTextLabel("<-- I'm with stupid", COLOR_BLUE, px, py, pz+3, 20.0, -1, 1);
Just for you to get an idea from that.

Messages In This Thread
*** how to make that text??? *** - by GangsTa_ - 11.07.2010, 13:11
Re: *** how to make that text??? *** - by Carlton - 11.07.2010, 13:13
Re: *** how to make that text??? *** - by GangsTa_ - 11.07.2010, 13:16
Re: *** how to make that text??? *** - by DeathOnaStick - 11.07.2010, 13:22

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