Closest car to Car and Closest Car to Player :D

U mean code? Dont have yet! I had it done but samp forums older post were deleted x_x and i lost my pwn
that was a while ago

If u mean a way to use it would be



"THe closest car is ID XX"

Messages In This Thread
Closest car to Car and Closest Car to Player :D - by aNdReSk - 09.07.2010, 18:44
Re: Closest car to Car and Closest Car to Player :D - by Jefff - 09.07.2010, 19:32
Re: Closest car to Car and Closest Car to Player :D - by aNdReSk - 09.07.2010, 19:35
Re: Closest car to Car and Closest Car to Player :D - by Jefff - 09.07.2010, 21:19

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