need register / login system with.....and how ..

You better make yourself one ^^
Filterscripts just sucks. Filtescripts and gamemodes hate eachother. That is just a fact. You will get problems with it.
I'm using NO filterscripts. There will be a good tutorial on how to make your register login and admin script in one.
I used sandra her tutorial. Done in 10 minutes with the basic stuff of it.
That was the admin function and login and register. YOu need to make other commands urself

Messages In This Thread
need register / login system with.....and how .. - by OmarEco - 09.07.2010, 17:57
Re: need register / login system with.....and how .. - by WillyP - 09.07.2010, 17:59
Re: need register / login system with.....and how .. - by [SF]Bamdude37 - 09.07.2010, 18:04
Re: need register / login system with.....and how .. - by OmarEco - 09.07.2010, 18:06
Re: need register / login system with.....and how .. - by OmarEco - 09.07.2010, 18:23
Re: need register / login system with.....and how .. - by bartje01 - 09.07.2010, 18:40

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