MySQL Query Result

I'm trying the same, i have this but is still doesn't work.

                        new string1[256];
	                new result1;
	                format(string1,sizeof(string1),"SELECT `cash` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '%s' AND `password` = '%s'",playername2, passnow);
					result1 = mysql_query(string1);
					new stores;
					stores = mysql_store_result(result1);
					new cash;
					new Field[64];
					ammount = mysql_fetch_row_format(Field, "|", stores);
					cash = mysql_free_result();
					format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Loaded, you have $ %s", cash);
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
i want to get the money from the database and use it as player money. but it. in the mysql log it gives the right result but when i want to free that result it prints the query.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Query Result - by Reynolds - 08.07.2010, 10:09
Re: MySQL Query Result - by Niixie - 08.07.2010, 10:44
Re: MySQL Query Result - by Reynolds - 08.07.2010, 13:10
Re: MySQL Query Result - by Kastranova - 08.07.2010, 13:29
Re: MySQL Query Result - by Carlton - 08.07.2010, 13:35
Re: MySQL Query Result - by Kastranova - 08.07.2010, 13:47
Re: MySQL Query Result - by Niixie - 08.07.2010, 14:04

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