07.07.2010, 10:37
thanks for the praise 
The number of max viewed playerobjectives (WInteriors) at once in WInts is set to 50
see here
(..but I don't have all 50 playerobjectives at one screen)
we have tested it and I can't say that we have had some problems with viewing of these yellow arrows, but I have no much experience with that, also I don't know if the checkpoint will be displayed, but I will test it later and let you know ..or somebody else can test it because I have no installed GTA SA currently

In SA:MP 0.1 SetVehicleParamsForPlayer conflicted with SetPlayerCheckpoint. After a certain amount of vehicles showed the objective it didn't show SetPlayerCheckpoint anymore. If I remember it correctly the limit was 36 vehicle objectives. With the built in SA:MP streamer it's not very likely users will reach this limit. I'm not entirely sure if this bug still exists but it seems to be a GTA SA bug. It might be worth mentioning...
Pretty nice job on recreating the GTA SA teleport system. |
see here

(..but I don't have all 50 playerobjectives at one screen)
we have tested it and I can't say that we have had some problems with viewing of these yellow arrows, but I have no much experience with that, also I don't know if the checkpoint will be displayed, but I will test it later and let you know ..or somebody else can test it because I have no installed GTA SA currently