What's wrong with this script?

probably you accidentally removed a bracket like these. " { " or " } "

Erm when i checked your script, you got the whole /login command OUTSIDE the OnPlayerCommandText
And also you should remove the last bracket and return 0;
Try this here: http://pawn.pastebin.com/YiwuECW7

Messages In This Thread
What's wrong with this script? - by SaW_[VrTx] - 07.07.2010, 07:50
Re: What's wrong with this script? - by silvan - 07.07.2010, 07:51
Re: What's wrong with this script? - by SaW_[VrTx] - 07.07.2010, 07:59
Re: What's wrong with this script? - by Hiddos - 07.07.2010, 08:10
Re: What's wrong with this script? - by SaW_[VrTx] - 07.07.2010, 08:27

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