Give a weapon help

Alright here my command
if (strcmp("/ak47", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
	if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 30)
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0xB4B5B7FF,"You already have an AK-47 foul.");
	GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30,1000);
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0xB4B5B7FF,"Here is you AK-47 now run off nub");
	GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30,1000);
	return 1;
But the else doesnt work what can i do now? i want it if he doesnt have it he get it but if he have it then he can have it twice

Messages In This Thread
Give a weapon help - by matdav - 07.07.2010, 02:50
Re: Give a weapon help - by BP13 - 07.07.2010, 03:03
Re: Give a weapon help - by TheKingOfSamp - 07.07.2010, 03:22
Re: Give a weapon help - by matdav - 07.07.2010, 03:23
Re: Give a weapon help - by Calgon - 07.07.2010, 03:25
Re: Give a weapon help - by BP13 - 07.07.2010, 03:47
Re: Give a weapon help - by TheKingOfSamp - 07.07.2010, 04:10
Re: Give a weapon help - by BP13 - 07.07.2010, 04:11

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