Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time

Okay, me and my friend on my private server we drive around and often stop for and look around well, for some reason after a certain amount of time the vehicles disappears. I'm not sure why that is, if anyone could possibly enlighten me on why it's doing that, I'd appreciate it.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time - by Rosco_Rich - 06.07.2010, 18:31
Re: Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time - by DeathOnaStick - 06.07.2010, 19:02
Re: Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time - by BP13 - 06.07.2010, 19:05
Re: Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time - by Rosco_Rich - 06.07.2010, 19:11
Re: Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time - by introzen - 06.07.2010, 19:11
Re: Vehicles Disappear After a short amount of time - by TheKingOfSamp - 06.07.2010, 19:17

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