Help needed for SetPlayerCheckpoint


if(strcmp("/panic", cmd) == 0) {
new PolicePath[48], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(PolicePath, sizeof(PolicePath), "\\Police\\%s.ini", pname);
if(dini_Exists(PolicePath)) {
if(PoliceDuty[playerid] == 1) {
new message[128], rank[50];
if(strcmp("1", dini_Get(PolicePath, "Rank")) == 0) rank = "Trainee U.S Marshal";
if(strcmp("2", dini_Get(PolicePath, "Rank")) == 0) rank = "Detention Enforcement Officer";
if(strcmp("3", dini_Get(PolicePath, "Rank")) == 0) rank = "Deputy U.S Marshal";
if(strcmp("4", dini_Get(PolicePath, "Rank")) == 0) rank = "Sr. U.S Marshal";
if(strcmp("5", dini_Get(PolicePath, "Rank")) == 0) rank = "Chief U.S Marshal";
new player1, current_zone, current_area;
player1 = playerid;
current_zone = player_zone[player1]; current_area = player_zarea[player1];
if(current_zone != -1 && current_area != -1) {
format(message, sizeof(message), "USMS CODE ZERO - %s %s(%03d) has actitivated their panic alarm. Check your minimap.", rank, pname, dini_Int(PolicePath, "Badge"), zones[current_zone][zone_name], zarea[current_area][zarea_name]);
SendPoliceMessage(COLOR_RED, message);
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
if(PoliceDuty[i] == 1) {
PlayerPlaySound(i, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
SetTimer("PoliceToneStage1", 500, false);
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~ DROP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND RESPOND.", 3000, 0);
else if(PoliceDuty[playerid] == 0) {
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: You must be on duty in order to use this command.");
else if(!dini_Exists(PolicePath)) {
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: You do not have permission to use this command.");
return 1;

I'm not sure how to make it add a checkpoint to the player and so only the faction can see it. Basically the checkpoint would show up on the map behind them when they type /panic and follow them. Other faction members would see the checkpoint on the map and race to help him. I'm new to scripting, sorry

Messages In This Thread
Help needed for SetPlayerCheckpoint - by Catlin - 05.07.2010, 21:08

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