The Best Roleplay Script in Forums

Well... I have been digging the Gamemode Scripts forums, but can't decide wich script is the most complete roleplay script, any suggestions?.
Can't find a script with a vehicle ownership like, that shit is unique.
Right now im thinking about Raven's Roleplay....
Well, thats my opinion, i want to know yours

Messages In This Thread
The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by Claude_Speed - 25.06.2010, 02:56
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by Antonio [G-RP] - 25.06.2010, 03:27
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by VinceQc - 25.06.2010, 04:27
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by Mr187 - 25.06.2010, 04:39
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by Antonio [G-RP] - 25.06.2010, 04:44
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by Mr187 - 25.06.2010, 04:46
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by Antonio [G-RP] - 25.06.2010, 04:52
Re: The Best Roleplay Script in Forums - by nuriel8833 - 05.07.2010, 18:35

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