wtf did i do? commands stop working

It happened one day to me, and it was because a FilterScript that i added uses another callbacks and it fucked me up. Try to remove recent FilterScripts/Includes, Etc.

Messages In This Thread
wtf did i do? commands stop working - by Kar - 25.06.2010, 01:04
Re: wtf did i do? commands stop working - by YnTrudeRx.17 - 25.06.2010, 01:27
Re: wtf did i do? commands stop working - by Kar - 25.06.2010, 01:30
Re: wtf did i do? commands stop working - by YnTrudeRx.17 - 25.06.2010, 01:31
Re: wtf did i do? commands stop working - by Kar - 25.06.2010, 01:36

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