MapIcon help.

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
  if (newkeys & KEY_FIRE)
    for(new q = 0; q > 50; q++)
  	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    	if(IsPlayerConnected(q)) SetPlayerMapIcon(q, 1, x, y, z, 41, COLOR_RED);
  return 1;
I have this code from a friend and he wants to make when someone press the mouse button you get a mapicon over there.
But it doesnt work and i have no idea what to do to fix it :S. Does anyone of you know how to make it show for all players ?


Messages In This Thread
MapIcon help. - by Doppeyy - 24.06.2010, 18:57
Re: MapIcon help. - by ReVo_ - 24.06.2010, 19:02
Re: MapIcon help. - by Doppeyy - 24.06.2010, 19:08
Re: MapIcon help. - by ReVo_ - 24.06.2010, 19:09
Re: MapIcon help. - by Doppeyy - 24.06.2010, 20:10
Re: MapIcon help. - by [HiC]TheKiller - 24.06.2010, 20:14
Re: MapIcon help. - by Joe_ - 24.06.2010, 20:17
Re: MapIcon help. - by Doppeyy - 24.06.2010, 20:18

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