Whats your dream phone?

Originally Posted by _Vortex
I wouldn't mind the iPhone 4G, the only thing that sucks about it is the theme that comes with it, but it could be easily fixed with jail breaking.. I mean.. download basically any type of app and use it anywhere? who wouldnt want that. Plus their app store is expanding daily.

But if I had a choice between iPhone 4G and Samsung Impression I'd get the samsung, mainly for the full keyboard.
Don't get the Samsung Impression, it was my former phone. It's touch screen is extremely sensitive, it's keyboard will always make you enter the internet when typing a text message (I ended up having to pay $10 just for that), the screen smears very easily, and it's very heavy compared to other phones.

I'm assuming you have AT&T? I'd suggest you get the LG Xenon instead. I know have it and it's great, not to mention very sturdy. I've dropped it probably 100 times and it's still in perfect condition (except the minor scratches of course).

Messages In This Thread
Whats your dream phone? - by Toni - 24.06.2010, 14:03
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by Kurence - 24.06.2010, 14:05
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by Hiddos - 24.06.2010, 14:07
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by Toni - 24.06.2010, 14:08
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by Hiddos - 24.06.2010, 14:11
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by Guedes747 - 24.06.2010, 14:25
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by SaW_[VrTx] - 24.06.2010, 15:11
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by _Vortex - 24.06.2010, 15:13
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by BMUK - 24.06.2010, 15:14
Re: Whats your dream cellphone? - by Grim_ - 24.06.2010, 15:35

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