>>> Checking if players are in<<<

Im having trouble with somehting. When i make gangzones and checkpoints I know like the if scenario.But i am trying to figure out say I have a Green Team and a Red Team. Well say there is a weapon list. I say if blablabla
how do i do the else to say like if your not on tht team it prevents you from using it

Messages In This Thread
>>> Checking if players are in<<< - by ToPhrESH - 20.06.2010, 10:00
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by Joe_ - 20.06.2010, 10:27
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by ToPhrESH - 20.06.2010, 10:36
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by Joe_ - 20.06.2010, 10:48
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by ToPhrESH - 20.06.2010, 10:51
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by Sergei - 20.06.2010, 10:53
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by WackoX - 20.06.2010, 11:07
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by ToPhrESH - 20.06.2010, 11:10
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by Lorenc_ - 20.06.2010, 11:14
Re: >>> Checking if players are in<<< - by ToPhrESH - 20.06.2010, 11:15

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