[SOLVED] Teams

Originally Posted by FUNExtreme
a is not a team. A is an id

Let me show you how it works:

for(new a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; a ++)

will do

a = 0 (execute code for id 0)
a = 1 (execute code for id 1)
a = 2 (execute code for id 2)

Thats how it works, do you understand?
Im not sure but if a player with ID 0 Leaves and someone comes again with ID 0 would the FUNCTION affect him/her ?
EDITon'T worry SOLVED i got it THANKS TO ALL

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED] Teams - by park4bmx - 18.06.2010, 17:24
Re: [HELP] Teams (Simple) - by Andy_McKinley - 18.06.2010, 17:40
Re: [HELP] Teams (Simple) - by park4bmx - 18.06.2010, 17:51
Re: [HELP] Teams (Simple) - by park4bmx - 18.06.2010, 18:52
Re: [1 quastion] Teams - by park4bmx - 18.06.2010, 19:07
Re: [1 question] Teams - by FUNExtreme - 18.06.2010, 19:10
Re: [1 question] Teams - by park4bmx - 18.06.2010, 19:13

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