Server Still Not Starting..

Sorry to make another topic, but i think this is the correct section since its the client that's not starting..

LOL, it wasn't that long since i closed it, probably 2 hours :S

Now i opened it again, and it won't load..

Here is the log info:
Originally Posted by N000000b :)
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3a R7, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[01:34:53] Server Plugins
[01:34:53] --------------
[01:34:53] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.dll
[01:34:53] ==================
[01:34:53] Whirlpool loaded
[01:34:53] ==================
[01:34:53] Loaded.
[01:34:53] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[01:34:53] ===============================

[01:34:53] sscanf plugin loaded.

[01:34:53] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[01:34:53] ===============================

[01:34:53] Loaded.
[01:34:53] Loaded 2 plugins.

[01:34:53] Ban list
[01:34:53] --------
[01:34:53] Loaded: samp.ban
[01:34:53] Filter Scripts
[01:34:53] ---------------
[01:34:53] Loading filter script 'objectsXD.amx'...
[01:34:53] Loading filter script 'fuelleveling.amx'...
[01:34:53] Loaded 2 filter scripts.
btw, yes i do have all includes, plugins are correctly added, gamemode doesn't have any defects. i updated it with some shit but IM SURE its not that..

filterscripts, well i have been using those 2 for a while now, nothing wrong..

BTW - I just noticed this isn't the correct section

Also, i had made a backup 2 days ago(working good), since this gamemode wouldn't start, i load the backed up one but i still get the same shit..

Messages In This Thread
Server Still Not Starting.. - by [L3th4l] - 17.06.2010, 18:04

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