16.06.2010, 21:22
thanks for all friends , one last question that I leave this lower surface:
can be the player who does not belong to the team could be given a warn automatic? and warn the message out:
and the message
them out to all users and that to reach the 3 attempts kicked out.
bye and greetings
thanks beforehand
P.D: sorry for my language
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0FFFFFF, "This skin is reserved for [TM] only!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0FFFFFF, "Please choose another skin.");
The server warns %s (reazon: try using private skin) (warns: 1/3)
The server warns %s (reazon: try using private skin) (warns: 1/3)
bye and greetings
thanks beforehand
P.D: sorry for my language