16.06.2010, 18:20
*= v *= e multiplies v with e
/= v /= e divides v by e.
%= v %= e assigns the remainder of the division of v by e to v.
>>= v >>= e shifts v arithmetically to the right by e bits.
>>>= v >>>= e shifts v logically to the right by e bits.
<<= v <<= e shifts v to the left by e bits.
&= v &= e applies a bitwise “and” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
|= v |= e applies a bitwise “or” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
^= v ^= e applies a bitwise “exclusive or” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
/= v /= e divides v by e.
%= v %= e assigns the remainder of the division of v by e to v.
>>= v >>= e shifts v arithmetically to the right by e bits.
>>>= v >>>= e shifts v logically to the right by e bits.
<<= v <<= e shifts v to the left by e bits.
&= v &= e applies a bitwise “and” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
|= v |= e applies a bitwise “or” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
^= v ^= e applies a bitwise “exclusive or” to v and e and assigns the result to v.