[Help] problem with /me and etc.

Yo, i made a script for /me; /do and etc. but i got a problem.
The problem is when i type ex."/me grabs his gun from the table" it will say "Firstname_Lastname grabs" instead of "Firstname_Lastname grabs his gun from the table".
It always shows only the first word..
	if(strcmp("/me", cmd, true) == 0)
		new tmp[256];
		tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
		if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "USAGE: /me [Action]");
		new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
		format(cmdtext, 128, "* %s %s ", name, tmp );
		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
		GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
		for(new i, m = GetMaxPlayers(); i < m; i++) if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
		if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15.0, x, y, z)) SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_PURPLE, cmdtext);
		return 1;
Please tell me where is the problem and how to fix it.
Its maybe very easy but i am still new.

Messages In This Thread
[Help] problem with /me and etc. - by Varna - 11.06.2010, 16:03
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by DJDhan - 11.06.2010, 16:09
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by Varna - 11.06.2010, 16:23
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by Aleksandar_Zivanovci - 11.06.2010, 16:28
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by DJDhan - 11.06.2010, 17:40
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by Varna - 11.06.2010, 18:59
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by DJDhan - 11.06.2010, 19:25
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by Varna - 11.06.2010, 19:29
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by DJDhan - 11.06.2010, 19:32
Re: [Help] problem with /me and etc. - by Varna - 12.06.2010, 09:37

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