PM Dialogs?!

Hey... I need help. I'm building a roleplay server, and there is a post office. There is a pickup(briefcase). When you walk into it, I need it to show a dialog that asks for the ID you are going to send the message to, then after that one is closed it will ask for the Message you are going to send. Then, I need it to send a message to the other player, like a basic /pm command would. I don't have much ANY code whatsoever, because what I tried didn't work. The only code I can give out is the OnPlayerPickupPickup code.
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	if(pickupid == postoffice)
     //attempt to show dialogs here...
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
PM Dialogs?! - by IamNotKoolllll - 10.06.2010, 02:18
Re: PM Dialogs?! - by coole210 - 10.06.2010, 02:47
Re: PM Dialogs?! - by Backwardsman97 - 10.06.2010, 05:45
Re: PM Dialogs?! - by IamNotKoolllll - 11.06.2010, 23:03

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